Way to Choose The Right Wig for Your Face Shape

August 16, 2023

When you're looking to buy a wig, there's a bunch of stuff you should think about. You know, like what kind of cap the wig has, and whether you're into fake hair orthe real deal, plus your favorite color. But hey, here's the thing - your faceshape matters too. It's a big deal when it comes to picking the right wig for you, especially if you're not really experienced with wigs or doing yourshopping on the Internet. So, in this blog, we instruct you to choose the right wig for your face shape with some tips below. 

DefineYour Face Shape

Before choosing a wig, you have to knowwhat is your face shape. Grab a mirror and stand in front of it, look straightahead, and tuck your hair back so you can see your whole face. Now, get yourhands on something like a bar of soap, lipstick, or a dry-erase marker. Usethat to carefully trace the outline of your face as you see it in the mirror.Alternatively, you can take a picture of yourself in the same way - lookingstraight ahead, hair pulled back - and then use the editing tool on yoursmartphone to trace the shape right on the photo. Simple as that!

Define Your Face Shape
DefineYour Face Shape

Howto Choose The Wig

Oval face shape

These are the ones who usually have a facethat's a bit longer, like about one and a half times wider than it is across.Usually, the forehead is a tad wider than the chin.

If you happen to rock that oval faceshape, you're in luck. You can pretty much pull off any wig style you fancy.There's a whole bunch of hairstyles that can really work well with theproportions of an oval face.

Oval face shape
Oval face shape

Round face shape

These are the ones where you don't reallysee those sharp angles, and the cheeks are a bit plumper, giving the face arounder look.

Round face shape
Round face shape

If you've gota round face, here's the scoop on wig styles. You're gonna want to aim forthose wigs with lots of layers or those wavy styles with some oomph. Look outfor wigs that are shoulder length or longer, because those layered styles willhelp give a bit more structure and texture to that gentler jawline. On the flipside, you might want to steer clear of pixie cuts, short bobs, or styles withlayers that point inward. They might not give you the look you're going for.

Heart face shape

These are the ones where the forehead is abit wider, the cheekbones stand out, and the chin kinda comes down to a point.

Heart face shape
Heart face shape

If you rockthat heart-shaped face, here's the scoop on hairstyles. You've got a lot ofoptions that can totally work for you. Think about chin-length or even shorterlooks, styles with those cool side-swept bangs, and haircuts with layers thatcurve in towards your face. They're all gonna suit your face shape really well.

Square face shape

These are the ones where the chin andforehead are kinda wide and stand out. Often, the width of the forehead and thejawline matches up.

When it comes to hairstyles for a squareface, here's the deal. Since you've got that angular jawline going on, youmight want to steer clear of chin-length styles. Instead, consider going for alook with tapered bangs and longer locks - that can help tone down thesharpness of your square face and give it a more balanced vibe.

Square face shape
Square face shape

Diamond face shape

These are the ones where the forehead is abit narrower, the chin is kind of petite, and the cheekbones really stand out -they're the widest part of the face. Just so you know, a diamond face shape isnot quite the same as a heart shape because the forehead isn't as wide.

Diamond face shape
Diamond face shape

You've got alot of wig styles that can really work for you. But the short and long bobs aregonna be your best buds. They'll totally complement that diamond shape of yours.

Oblong face shape

These are the ones where your features arekinda stretched out, and you've got a forehead and chin with a rounded vibe.Now, just to clear things up, this isn't quite the same as an oval face shape -in this case, your chin tends to be narrower.

Oblong face shape
Oblong face shape

Forindividuals with an oblong face shape, it's advisable to steer clear of sleekhairstyles that accentuate the elongated face. Opting for voluminous stylesfeaturing layers can be highly flattering, as they create a broader appearancefor the face. Additionally, thick bangs and hairstyles extending beyond chinlength complement this particular face shape nicely.


In conclusion, finding the perfect wigthat complements your unique face shape is the key to achieving a stunning andharmonious look. If you want to buy a quality wig, feel free to contact Apohair to be supported. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you find the perfectmatch that suits your face shape and personal style. 

See more: https://human-hair-wigs.webflow.io/post/mastering-the-art-of-styling-10-tips-for-customizing-your-human-hair-wigs

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